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  • Molesey carnival is the largest free event in Elmbridge, attracting up to 10,000 people each year. The committee meet all year round in order to put on a successful carnival.
  • The aim of Molesey carnival is to provide a venue for local charities and good causes to raise much needed funds. Every National charity in attendance has a local contact in Surrey. It has been estimated that over £2 million has been raised in this way since the carnival began.
  • The Molesey Carnival Committee does not aim to make a profit and uses money raised to put on next years carnival. No-one on the committee receives payment for the work they do.
  • In order to allow the charities and good causes to raise as much money as possible we do not allow any trade vendors to have stalls or sell on the field.
  • Where we need to provide a service to the public we try to use local groups, for example St John Ambulance for first aid cover, The Scouts for catering, etc. The ice cream vendor and fairground give a sizeable donation to carnival funds.
  • We liaise with well over 100 local charities, schools and groups. We provide a venue for them to educate the public to their cause, raise their membership and display their talents in the arena events. Our knowledge of local groups in the area is formidable.

  • To enable as many local groups and individuals to enter the parade as possible we keep the entry fee deliberately low (£5 – 2023). This enables participants to spend money on costumes and decorations.

  •  The carnival has an outstanding safety and public order record with only one arrest in over 30 years.

  •  The carnival could not continue without the dedication and enthusiasm of the carnival committee, the charities involved and the desire of the general public to keep attending.

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